Friday, June 13, 2008

A busy May!

Once again there is a lot of catching up to do. Since graduation we have been going nonstop. After graduation we got to spend time with Uncle Jake and Aunt Amanda. Madalene and I went to South Carolina to see Aunt Carole with Jake and Amanda. Always good times when we get down to visit. It was nice being able to spend the extra time with Jake and Amanda.Then shortly after that Madalene and I met Les, Janice, Melissa, Christian, Kathy, Scott, Chelsea, Andrew, Sara, Kerry, Jeannie and Kyle at Daytona Beach. Madalene had really been looking forward to going to the "Beach". These last two pics are courtesy of Uncle Kerry. He got really great shots and this one of Madalene is probably the best picture ever taken of her. Love it!!!!!!!!!
We also got to see the shuttle launch. Madalene is still talking about the rocket that went to outerspace. Lots of fun and good memories were made on this trip.
This weekend will be off to the river. Hopefully we will have pictures up soon.