Thursday, January 31, 2008

Art Work on the Wall!!!

We did not do a very good job of taking pictures over the weekend, so nothing good to see from Blacksburg yet. Yesterday we had an interesting day. It was the first time Madalene had taken her art work from paper straight to the closet doors in her room.

These are pictures of what her doors looked like!!

They are beautiful H's, but not exactly where I would have liked for her to have written them. I found a little bit more humor in the art work than Dad did. I knew the day would come, but I was still a little suprised by the amount of damage she could do in a short time.

So of course the next thing to do was get it cleaned up. Don't think for one minute I didn't make her help clean up the mess.

With a little bit of help from Mom we got all the pencil off the walls, and had a very long talk about were we color at.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Good Morning!

We have a busy day ahead of us today. Madalene and Mom are washing laundry and packing while Dad is at work. We are taking a short trip to Blacksburg (were VT is) to visit some friends for the weekend. I took a couple of pictures this morning and as you can see we are not out of our pj's yet!!!

There should be plenty more pictures to come after the weekend!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

It's been awhile!!

It has been awhile, I know!!! So I am going to update everyone today with several pics and little notes. Then I promise to keep up from now on!!!!

These two pictures are Madalene and Dad trying to catch a mouse that has run under the chair. The mouse is visible and they are putting traps all over the inside of the chair to gaurantee a catch. The mouse still escaped!!!

Happy Halloween!!

This is the pumpkin Madalene painted for Sara before we went down to visit in November.

Just a few pics from our trip to Florida. Kathy and I are going to have to dead bolt all the doors when these girls get older.

These next few pictures were during my fall break. I had the day off and took advantage of it. We started out at the library and ended at the park. Tons of fun!!!!!

Just another day on the farm. Madalene does not like to miss out, especially if it involves the tractor.

This is Thanksgiving in South Carolina. For the past several years we have made gingerbread houses. Madalene did a great job!!

A few pics of Christmas. The last one is our buddy Garrett in GA.

The picture below is the beautiful sight we woke up to on Sunday. I know it does not look like much snow, but it is the most we have had seen since we've lived here!!!!!

On to the important things. These next two pictures will officially have you caught up. I took these this morning before starting this project. Once again she is a princess!!!! Everyday we battle over what she is going to wear. If it was up to here she would be Cinderella every where she went.